Father’s Voice


Soccer ball by Michal Jarmoluk PixabayThe sideline referee shouts, “Minute and a half left in the game.” A sideline father yells, “Son, we’ve got time for one more.” Smiling at the thought, I shield my eyes from the morning sun and peer in the direction of the anxious father. Hearing his father’s voice, the son nods and sprints across the field.

Run. Kick. Score!

The son bends over, hands upon his knees, and gasping for breath. Exhaustion is visible, so is the faint smile across his face. “Ten seconds left!” the referee announces.  “Son, we’ve got time for one more.” Leaning forward in my folding chair, I strain to search the crowd for this crazy soccer father. His son’s team is winning, why try with only ten seconds left on the clock? Hearing his father’s voice, the son nods and yells “Got it.”

Run. Kick. Score. Win!

The crowd erupts in cheers. Behind me, I overhear a man say, “Did you see that boy’s response when he heard his father’s voice?” I watch the father walk across the field and embrace his son. These words echo in my mind: Did you see that boy’s response when he heard his father’s voice.”Soccer ball by Michael Krause Pixabay

As families pack up and wrestle with the folding chairs, I contemplate my personal response to my Heavenly Father’s voice. Do I nod and willingly agree to press on, even if it seems crazy? Do I press on to achieve greater or settle for mediocrity? Do I ignore His voice knowing I’ve done my part; thinking let someone else do the rest?

I know God desires to do the impossible in my life. I pray, “Lord, forgive me for not responding with an obedient heart when I hear your voice. Help me to respond with a willful attitude when I hear your voice, no matter how tired I am.”

What is your response to the Father’s Voice?


P.S. My husband was the sideline father and my nine-year-old son Andrew obeyed when he heard his father’s voice.


April Dawn White

April White is a pharmacist who dispenses spiritual medicine for a healthy soul. She is quick to say she doesn't have it all together but relies on the One who does. Drag your chair next to April's red chair and allow hope and encouragement to infuse your heart. April has a BS degree in biology from James Madison University and a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Shenandoah University. Email April or visit her at www.AprilDawnWhite.com

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